J.Schwartz,llc Construction Blog (PAHIC#861)

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It is time for electrical deregulation – read on to save money!

Electrical rate caps have been in place for 15 years, and they are set to expire on the first day of the New Year…
Most of us in the Philadelphia area are PECO customers, and in our bills we see Generation Charges and Transmission and Distribution Charges. The Transmission and Distribution Charges will not change – and PECO will still be responsible for the physical upkeep of the supply system. What will change is the Generation Charges – and they are generally about 2/3 of your bill.
There is a great website that has been set up to help us make informed decisions about who we will buy our electricity from – go to www.papowerswitch.com and enter some basic information. You will be presented with a list of electrical generation companies that serve your area – just be careful – some charge termination fees, some don’t. Some have variable rates with introductory “teaser” rates, while others have locked rates. Some even offer “green” electrical generation….
Make an informed decision and start saving money now!

posted by Joe Schwartz - J. Schwartz,llc at 5:51 pm  

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